How quickly time is flying by. In April, the Educational Committee provided a virtual Spring RAP session: "Help! I’ve Been Assigned to Blood Bank!" The panelist did a great job answering questions and giving helpful tips for reducing the anxiety when you feel like blood banking has evolved faster than you can keep up with the changes.
Our Planning Committee members for the Annual Meeting are working hard to provide the best educational experience at a minimal cost. Plan on joining us September 22nd and 23rd via Zoom. We will be having a virtual meeting again this year, but we have added a new option. This year we will have shorter breaks between sessions, 10 minutes, so we can provide a special lunchtime intermission. We will have a zoom meeting set up for all attendees with breakout rooms to chat with vendors. When you enter the main Zoom meeting take a few minutes to say hello to friends and meet some new ones before venturing off to a Zoom room to see what the vendors have to offer. This is a great opportunity to see all the new products, services, and equipment that will enhance your blood bank.
I would like to give a special thank you to all the committee members for their continued efforts in improving our local organization. We are always looking for fresh ideas and new members. If you are interested and want to share your talents, please let any board or committee member know. It is very rewarding being a part of this organization. I am always amazed at the quality of speakers we have at our educational sessions. I hope to see everyone online at the meeting in September.
Sheri Hugan, MLS(ASCP)SBB
2021 President of the Michigan Association of Blood Banks
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