- Education Committee: This committee is responsible for planning the RAP sessions.
- Chair: Angela Wholehan, MLS (ASCP)CM, SBBCM
- Brigitte Becker
- Dana Griffin
- Katherine E. Li
- Renad Mohamed
- Frank Morden
- Zaher Otrock, MD
- Kathryn Watkins
- Membership Committee:
- Chair: Salika Devine, MS, BB(ASCP)CM
- Krystal Johnson
- Joel Wisneiwski
- Publications Committee:
- Chair: Vacant
- Kristina Davis, MD
- Arthur Bradley Eisenbrey, MD, PhD
- Jim Fiedor
- Meredith Hoag
- Archives Committee:
- Chair: Jim Fiedor
- Chair: Jim Fiedor
- Website Development Committee:
- Chair: John Sherbeck, MD
- Louise DuRusseel
- Bethany Neldrett (Webmaster)
- Annual Meeting Organizing Committee 2024: This committee is responsible for planning the MABB Annual Meeting each fall.
- Chair: Salika Devine, MS, BB(ASCP)CM
- Terry Downs
- Louise DuRussel
- Kayla Waider
- Sheri Hugan
- Jan Hamilton
- Tammon Nash
- Angela Wholehan
- Darlene Sanders
- Chisa Yamada
- John Sherbeck
- Zaher Otrock
- Salika Devine
- By-Law/Policy Committee: This committee is responsible for periodically reviewing the By-laws of the Association to ensure that proper procedures are being followed. Changes to by-laws are also reviewed as necessary.
- Chair: Barry Siegfried, MD
- Terry Downs
- Committee on Legislative Matters:
- Chair: Bradley Eisenbrey, MD
- Chair: Bradley Eisenbrey, MD
- Vendor Committee:
- Chair: Sheri Hugan
- Chair: Sheri Hugan
- Nominating Committee (past 3 presidents):
- Tammon Nash
- Sheri Hugan
- Barry Siegfried
One term for Committee Chairs and Members is 2 years except Annual Meeting Organizing Committee and Nominating committee which term is one year.
Committee members who are not active in the first year in 2-year-term, their committee memberships will be terminated in the second year.